Create a Mirror Animation in Unity 3D

Create a Mirror Animation in Unity 3D

Unleash the power of reflection and create stunning visual effects in your Unity 3D projects with this comprehensive guide on mirror animation. This article will delve deeper into the topic, providing more detailed explanations, additional examples, and exploring various aspects to make the content more comprehensive and informative.

Why Reflect?

Mirror animations add a touch of realism to your 3D creations, enhancing user engagement and immersion. They can reflect dynamic environments, characters, or objects, making them an essential tool in any Unity developer’s arsenal. Reflections not only serve aesthetic purposes but also help in debugging by providing a secondary view of the scene.

Getting Started

To create a mirror animation, you’ll need a plane, a camera, and a script. The script will handle the reflection logic, while the plane serves as the reflective surface. It is crucial to ensure that the camera’s position and orientation are set appropriately for accurate reflections.

The Reflection Script

Our script will calculate the ray from the camera to the point on the object we want to reflect, then find the corresponding point on the mirror plane. Here’s a simplified version:


Ray camRay Camera.main.ViewportPointToRay(new Vector3(0.5f, 0, 0)); // Center of the camera

Plane mirror new Plane(Vector3.up,; // Mirror plane is always upwards

float distance;

mirror.Raycast(camRay, out distance);

Vector3 reflectionPoint camRay.GetPoint(distance);

Tips and Tricks

  • Use a texture with a reflective material on the mirror plane for better visuals. You can find such textures online or create your own using image editing software.
  • Experiment with different camera angles to create dynamic reflections. Low angles can create dramatic effects, while high angles can provide a unique perspective.
  • Optimize your script by only calculating reflections when necessary. This can be achieved by checking if the object being reflected is within the camera’s view or has moved significantly since the last calculation.

Case Study: Reflecting a Moving Character

To reflect a moving character, update the reflection point in the Update() function. This ensures that the reflection stays synchronized with the character’s movement.

void Update() {
Ray camRay Camera.main.ViewportPointToRay(character.transform.position); // Center of the character



1. Why is the reflection not updating? Ensure that you’re updating the reflection point in the Update() function if the object being reflected is moving.

2. The reflection looks distorted. How do I fix it? Adjust the position and scale of the mirror plane to match the camera’s perspective. You may need to experiment with different values until you achieve the desired result.

3. How can I make the reflection more realistic? Use a texture with a reflective material on the mirror plane, and experiment with different camera angles. Additionally, consider adding environmental effects such as water ripples or atmospheric distortion for a more realistic look.

In Summary

Mirror animations in Unity 3D are a powerful tool for enhancing realism and engagement in your projects. With this guide, you’re now equipped to create stunning reflections that will captivate your audience. Keep experimenting, and remember: the mirror is not just a surface; it’s a gateway to a world of possibilities. Explore different techniques, optimize your scripts, and push the boundaries of what can be achieved with Unity 3D.