Creating Bone Animation in Unity 3D: Step-by-Step Guide

Creating Bone Animation in Unity 3D: Step-by-Step Guide


Bring your 3D characters to life with bone animation in Unity 3D! This guide will walk you through the process, from setting up a skeleton to animating your character. Let’s dive deeper into this fascinating topic!

Understanding Bone Animation

Bone animation is a method used in 3D modeling and rigging that allows for complex character movements. It’s like the skeletal structure of a real-world creature, controlling its movement digitally. In essence, bones are invisible objects that parents other game objects, allowing them to move together as a single unit.

Setting Up Your Skeleton

Start by importing your model into Unity. Then, create a Rigged Model Asset from your 3D model in Blender or Maya, and import it back into Unity. This asset will contain the bones that control your character’s movement. It’s crucial to ensure that the rigging is done correctly, as improper rigging can lead to incorrect deformations and unnatural movements.

Animating Your Character

With your skeleton set up, you can now animate your character. In the Animation window, create a new animation clip. Move the bones in your 3D viewport to create the desired movement, then save the clip. You can create multiple clips for different actions such as walking, running, jumping, and idling.

Applying Animations

To apply an animation, simply drag and drop the animation clip onto your character in the Hierarchy window. You can control when the animation plays using Animation Controller and State Machines. For instance, you might want your character to walk during a certain period and then idle once it reaches its destination.

Tips and Tricks

Use root motion to make your character move naturally. Root motion allows your character to move in response to user input, such as WASD keys or joystick movements.

Blend multiple animations seamlessly using Blend Trees. Blend Trees allow you to smoothly transition between different animations based on various factors, such as speed or direction.

Experiment with retargeting to adapt animations to different characters. Retargeting allows you to apply animations created for one character to another, saving time and effort in the animation process.

Case Study: A Walk Cycle

Let’s take a walk cycle as an example. First, set up the skeleton. Then, create keyframes for each footstep in your 3D viewport. Save this as an animation clip. Apply the clip to your character and adjust timing using the Animation Controller. You can further refine the animation by adding subtle details such as arm swinging or head bobbing.


1. Can I use bone animation for non-human characters?

Absolutely! Bone animation can be used for any 3D model, from animals to robots.

2. What software can I use to create my skeleton and animations?

You can use Blender, Maya, or even Mixamo, which offers ready-made animations.

3. How do I make my character run or jump?

To make your character run or jump, you’ll need additional animation clips for these actions. These can be created using the same process as a walk cycle. You might also want to adjust the speed and timing of these animations to ensure they look natural.


Bone animation in Unity 3D opens up a world of possibilities for creating lifelike characters.