How to create an enemy follow player script in Unity 3D

How to create an enemy follow player script in Unity 3D

Welcome, fellow Unity developers! Today, we’re diving into the thrilling world of game development, specifically focusing on creating an enemy follow player script in Unity 3D.

The Pursuit of Engaging Enemies

A key element in any action-packed game is the AI behavior of enemies. Making them follow the player adds a layer of excitement and challenge, keeping players on their toes. Let’s embark on this journey together!

Understanding the Basics

Before we dive into coding, let’s familiarize ourselves with the fundamental concepts. We’ll be using Unity’s NavMesh system to create a seamless pathfinding experience for our enemies.

Navigating the Pathfinding Maze

To create an enemy that follows the player, we’ll need to:

  1. Create a NavMesh Agent: This component will allow our enemy to navigate through the environment using the built-in pathfinding system.

  2. Assign a Target: The target for our NavMesh Agent should be the player. We can achieve this by setting the ‘destination’ variable of the agent to the player’s position.

  3. Update the Destination: To make the enemy follow the player, we need to update the destination variable continuously, ensuring it always points towards the player.

Bringing It All Together

Here’s a simplified script that encapsulates these steps:

public class EnemyFollowPlayer : MonoBehaviour
public Transform target;
NavMeshAgent agent;
void Start()
agent = GetComponent();
target = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player").transform;
void Update()

Experiment and Iterate

Remember, this is just a starting point. Experiment with different approaches, such as adding a delay before the enemy starts chasing or implementing different AI behaviors based on the player’s position or health.


1. Why use NavMesh Agent? It simplifies pathfinding and allows agents to navigate through complex terrains seamlessly.

2. Can I make enemies chase players in 2D games? Absolutely! The principles remain the same, but you’d use a different set of tools like Unity’s Tilemap system.

3. What if my enemy gets stuck? If your enemy is getting stuck, it might be due to poor navigation mesh quality or obstacles blocking the path. You can improve the mesh quality using Unity’s built-in tools or manually adjusting the mesh data.

In conclusion, creating an enemy follow player script in Unity 3D not only adds excitement to your games but also offers a fascinating exploration into AI behavior and game development as a whole.