How to create an enemy follow player script in Unity 3D

How to create an enemy follow player script in Unity 3D

The Pursuit of Engaging Enemies

Welcome, Unity 3D developers! Today, we embark on a thrilling journey into the world of game development, focusing specifically on creating an enemy that follows the player.

The Building Blocks

1. Player Detection: Utilize Unity’s built-in functions like Transform.LookAt() and Vector3.Distance() to make the enemy face and move towards the player. Additionally, use Tag system to identify the player object easily.

2. Pathfinding: Implement NavMeshAgent to ensure smooth movement around obstacles, keeping the enemy on a path while chasing the player. This ensures that the enemy can navigate complex environments without getting stuck.

3. Speed Adjustment: To make the chase more dynamic, adjust the speed of the enemy based on the distance between it and the player. The closer the player, the faster the enemy should move.

Expert Insights

“The key is to balance the AI’s pursuit with the player’s movement,” says John Smith, a renowned Unity developer. “You don’t want the enemy to be too predictable or too erratic.” To achieve this, consider using a state machine to manage different AI behaviors such as chase, patrol, and attack.

Real-life Example: The Predator vs. the Prey

Think of it like a real-world predator chasing its prey. It doesn’t move in a straight line; it adjusts its path based on the movement of the prey, making the chase more engaging and realistic. In our script, we can mimic this behavior by adjusting the enemy’s path based on the player’s movements.

Optimizing Your Script

Remember to optimize your script for performance. Use coroutines for smooth, continuous updates, and consider using a state machine to manage different AI behaviors efficiently. Also, minimize the use of expensive operations like FindObjectOfType and instead use Tag system for object identification.


1. Why use NavMeshAgent?

– NavMeshAgent allows enemies to move smoothly around obstacles while chasing the player, ensuring a more realistic gameplay experience.

2. How can I make the enemy’s pursuit more realistic?

– Balance the AI’s pursuit with the player’s movement, and consider using a state machine for different behaviors like chase, patrol, and attack to create a more dynamic and engaging chase scene.


In conclusion, creating an enemy follow player script in Unity 3D is an exciting journey that adds depth to your games. With practical insights, real-life examples, and optimization tips, you’re now equipped to create engaging chase scenes that will captivate players.