How to get mouse position in Unity 3D?

How to get mouse position in Unity 3D?

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Welcome, Unity 3D developers! Today, we embark on an essential skill every game developer should master – detecting the mouse position. Whether you’re creating a first-person shooter or a puzzle game, understanding how to get the mouse position can significantly enhance your gaming experience.

Why Mouse Position Matters

Imagine a game where you can’t aim properly because the cursor jumps around unpredictably. Frustrating, isn’t it? By learning to control the mouse position, you can create games that are intuitive and engaging. A well-implemented mouse position system allows for precise aiming, smooth navigation, and interactive user experiences.

The Unity Way

Unity provides a simple yet powerful way to get the mouse position – the `Input.mousePosition` function. This function returns a Vector3 object containing the x, y, and z coordinates of the mouse cursor in screen space.

Vector3 mousePosition = Input.mousePosition;

Screen vs. World Space

It’s important to note that `Input.mousePosition` returns values in screen space. If you want the mouse position in world space, you’ll need to convert it using the `Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition)` function.

Vector3 worldMousePosition = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);

Putting It into Practice

Let’s consider a simple example – a game where the player must click on objects to interact with them. By using the mouse position, we can create a system that detects when the player clicks on an object and triggers the desired action.

void OnMouseDown()
RaycastHit hitInfo;
if (Physics.Raycast(Camera.main.transform.position, Camera.main.transform.forward, out hitInfo))
Debug.Log("Clicked on: " +;
// Add your interaction logic here


1. Why use Vector3 for mouse position?

  • Vector3 is a built-in data type in Unity that stores x, y, and z coordinates. It’s perfect for handling 3D positions like the mouse position.

    2. Can I get the mouse position in other ways besides Input.mousePosition?

  • Yes! You can use Raycasting to detect when the mouse clicks on a specific object. This is useful for games where you need precise collision detection.

    3. What if I want to limit the clickable area to certain parts of the screen?

  • You can create a RectTransform that covers the desired area and use its Bounds property to check if the mouse position falls within it.

    In conclusion, mastering mouse position detection in Unity 3D is a crucial step towards creating immersive and interactive games. By understanding how to get the mouse position and convert it between screen and world space, you can open up a world of possibilities for your game development projects.