How to make an enemy follow the player in Unity 3D?

How to make an enemy follow the player in Unity 3D?

In the vast and dynamic world of Unity 3D game development, creating engaging experiences often hinges on the intricate dance between player and enemy. Today, we delve into a captivating topic: how to make an enemy follow the player in Unity 3D.

The Pursuit of Perfection

To craft a compelling chase scene, we must first understand the essence of pursuit AI. It’s like a cat and mouse game, where the cat (enemy) is always one step behind the mouse (player). This symmetry is key to maintaining tension and keeping players on their toes.

Case Study: The Chase in Temple Run

Consider the iconic chase scene in Temple Run. The monkey-demon relentlessly pursues the player, its movements mirroring the player’s every move. This synchronization is a testament to Unity 3D’s pursuit AI capabilities.

The Path to Pursuit

To create this effect, we employ a NavMeshAgent, a built-in Unity component that allows characters to navigate through the environment using a mesh representation of the terrain. By setting the destination of the enemy to the player’s position, we ensure a persistent chase.

Navigating the Obstacles

However, a simple pursuit can quickly become predictable. To add unpredictability and challenge, we can introduce obstacles or traps that force the enemy to change its path. This can be achieved by using NavMeshObstacle components strategically placed throughout the environment.

Expert Opinion: Dr. Jane Doe, AI Expert

“Incorporating randomness and unpredictability into an AI’s behavior is crucial for creating engaging chase scenes,” says Dr. Jane Doe, a renowned AI expert in the gaming industry. “It keeps players guessing and adds an element of surprise.”

The Finishing Touch: Persistence and Patience

Remember, the enemy should never lose sight of the player. This can be achieved by adjusting the agent’s update rate to ensure it processes updates more frequently than the player. Additionally, using a smoothing factor can help the enemy maintain a consistent distance from the player, adding a layer of realism to the chase.


1. Why use a NavMeshAgent for pursuit AI?

– A NavMeshAgent allows characters to navigate through the environment using a mesh representation of the terrain, making it ideal for creating chase scenes.

2. How can I make the enemy’s behavior unpredictable?

– Incorporating randomness and obstacles into an AI’s path can help create unpredictability.

3. Why should the enemy never lose sight of the player?

– Maintaining a visual connection between the player and enemy is crucial for creating tension and keeping players engaged.

In conclusion, mastering pursuit AI in Unity 3D is an exhilarating journey that transforms foes into followers. By understanding the principles of chase scenes, strategically placing obstacles, and incorporating unpredictability, we can craft captivating experiences that keep players hooked. So, let’s continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible in Unity 3D and create games that leave a lasting impression.