Implementing Double Jump in Unity 3D: Step-by-Step Guide

Implementing Double Jump in Unity 3D: Step-by-Step Guide

In the realm of game development, mastering the art of player movement is paramount. One such essential skill is implementing the double jump mechanic, a feature that adds an extra layer of excitement and challenge to your games. Let’s dive into this captivating topic!

The Double Jump Advantage

Double jumps are not just about soaring through the air; they enhance player control, add strategic depth, and elevate the overall gaming experience. Games like Super Mario Bros. and Sonic the Hedgehog have long leveraged this mechanic to captivate players worldwide.

Getting Started: The Building Blocks

  1. First, ensure you have a robust character controller in place. This script should handle movement, gravity, and collision detection. If you’re starting from scratch, Unity’s built-in CharacterController script is an excellent foundation.

  2. Next, create a jump function that increases the vertical force applied when the player presses the jump key. This function will be modified to accommodate double jumps.

The Double Jump Implementation

  1. Introduce a boolean variable, isDoubleJump, to track whether the player has already used their second jump. Set its default value to false.

  2. Modify the jump function to check if isDoubleJump is true before applying the vertical force. If it is, reset the variable to false and apply a reduced force for the second jump.

  3. Implement a condition that sets isDoubleJump to true when the player lands on a surface after their first jump. This can be achieved by detecting a collision with a tagged layer, such as “Ground.”

Tips and Tricks

  • Adjust the force applied during the second jump to make it weaker than the initial jump, maintaining the challenge and strategic depth.

  • Experiment with different conditions for activating double jumps, such as timing or height requirements, to create unique gameplay experiences.


1. Why use a boolean variable for double jumps?

Boolean variables are ideal for tracking on/off states like whether the player can double jump or not.

2. How do I detect when the player lands?

Detect landings by checking for collisions with tagged layers, such as “Ground.”

3. Can I add more complexities to the double jump mechanic?

Absolutely! You can experiment with different conditions, animations, or even multiple double jumps. The possibilities are endless!


Implementing a double jump in Unity 3D is an exciting journey that not only enhances your game but also sharpens your programming skills.